Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Weight Loss Resume

Okay, this is kinda silly, but I thought it was a good exercise in positive self-talk.  I've been a member of WeightWatchers for several years and have had some success with the program.  I committed to continuing to go the last time I signed up and so far I have been doing great with that goal.  I may be losing slowly, but I am still losing!  And beyond that, this process is absolutely about lifestyle and health and not as much about the weight.  I want to make sure that I am learning how to eat and live so that I am healthy and passing on good habits to Kaela especially.

Last week in our meeting the leader asked if we were to make a resume to reflect our career in weightloss what would it include as our achievements, because that's what a resume highlights.  It was fun to hear other people's ideas and what they would include and I thought it would be fun to do one just for me.  It's important in the process of trying to change a habit to also stay positive.  It takes time and energy and it is so easy to go to the bad place where you feel depressed because you haven't achieved your goal yet.  So here is my weightloss resume and all the things I am proud of!


Amy McGreevy

To effectively establish a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise
2009-present                         Weight Watchers                                    Fort Collins, CO
·     Identified needed changes to personal health habits.
·     Established a healthy grocery shopping ritual.
·     Increased planning for daily healthy eating habits.
·     Increased positive self talk for maximum success.
·     Joined and attended a gym for improved exercise regiment.
·     Identified personal goals and stuck to them.
·     Learned how to cook in creative and new ways.
·     Experimented with new routines and ways to approach weight loss.
·     Attended regular meetings and committed to the on-going process of weight loss.
·     Established social connections and relationships with other members.
·     Experimented with new types of food and cooking.
·     Identified and implemented increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
·     Rewarded positive efforts of both self and others in the goal of establishing a healthy lifestyle.
·     Engaged in the on-going process of focusing on self-achievements rather than setbacks.

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