So, I found this on a blog so I can't take credit for it but I thought it was fitting. Procrastination is an interesting issue that can perpetuate things like weight gain, no exercise and a myriad of other things (I'm staring straight at my "junk" table and groaning). If we think of it in the context written below it becomes something you can fight. My procrastination weasel is usually the one that gives me excuses not to exercise, not to lose weight, not to do the dishes or make dinner every evening, you catch my drift. If we face him off, maybe we will see some success!
There's a voice... trying to get you to procrastinate... this voice is the "Procrastination Weasel". The Weasel represents your old collection of procrastination thoughts.
The Procrastination Weasel wants to stop you from taking actions in your interest... and he isn't satisfied until he's robbed you of your money, health, and opportunities, made your house a mess, and has sunk you into depression. The Weasle's mission is to take your self-efficacy, your self-acceptance, and waste your valuable time.
Weasel Tactics
The Weasel is well-trained in how to affect you and is brutal in his tactics. He knows when to pop up and strike! Here's a list of his tactics:
Diversionary Actions
This is where the weasel pops up when you are set to take positive action and he creates an unwanted diversion. The result is playing video games, watching TV, daydreaming or another 'safe' activity. "Let's do something else instead!" the Weasel will tell you, and instead of going to the gym and working out you comply and stare at the TV with a bag of Cheetos.
The Weasel can convince you some of these diversions are somehow more important because they are happening Now. "Untold Secrets of the Ancient Pyramids" is only on TV NOW... and this paperwork will be here all week!"
Anti Self-Efficacy
The weasel tells us lies about our capabilities to get his own way... "Forget it buddy!" the Weasel will say "You can't do this!" This Weasel attack is aimed at your self-acceptance as well. The weasel rates you and tells you that you're just not capable of carrying out the task.
The Weasel is a drama queen! With hand to forehead, the Weasel will tell you how awful your task is going to be. By the time the Weasel is done, a task as simple as washing the dishes becomes the Bataan Death March. The weasel's tactics here include 'warning' you that you will be bored, threatened, and inconvenienced.
Another way the Weasel can awfulize a situation includes playing up the discomfort of telling someone else "no" to get a task accomplished. The Weasel will try to convince you that pleasing others is more important than your task.
Shouldn't Have To
The Weasel is great at telling you when you shouldn't have to do things. "You don't deserve this!" the weasel will say, laying out an entitlement that allows you to avoid the task... even though it's in your best self-interest!
Another version of this tactic is "The Excuse" where the Weasel coaches you into an alibi that seemingly absolves you of your responsibiltiy and creates a false entitlement to justify the avoidance.
Later Is Better
Here's where the Weasel convinces us that there's no lack of pressure, therefore our interest is served in waiting.. and waiting.. and waiting again. "Relax! Conditions will be better later! There's no reason to rush into this!" Here tasks are put off for another day... over and over.
Weasel Blitzkrieg
The blitzkrieg tactic will try to convince you "It's just too much!" The Weasel will pile one thing upon another until the tasks, including the old ones, appear insurmountable.
"It's hopeless!" the Weasel whispers in your ear "so why bother?"
Anti-Weasel Warfare
The following anti-Weasel tactics are aimed at reducing the effect this procrastinating pest has on your daily life.
Enemy Identification
Figure out how the weasel has been affecting you today. Write down the ways you been procrastinating and understand his game.
Battle Plan, Tactics, and Logistics
Create a reasonable mission statement and get your weapons ready for dealing with the Weasel. He's a tough adversary, but he can be defeated! Here's some anti-weasel tactics:
1. Create Clear Goals
The Weasel loves when our goals are not defined as it gives him the opportunity to flank us by telling us we aren't achieving enough. Making clear goals allows us to accurately plot and measure our progress.
2. Planning
Don't just have goals, work backwards from the goal you'd like to achieve and lay out a plan! If you'd like to achieve catching up on your paperwork at home, schedule time when you can start this task.
3. Anti-Weasel Chunking
Don't give the Weasel the opportunity to do the blitzkrieg on you! Break tasks into smaller bits and pieces to prevent getting overwhelmed. Don't insist that the entire task has to be done at once! Instead of "cleaning the house" as a task, start with one room, or simply schedule small amounts of time for these tasks.
4. Scheduling
Create a schedule whereby you can deal with re-curring tasks in an efficient manner. For instance, schedule time to do paperwork when you are least likely to be interrupted.
5. Use an Action List
The Weasel doesn't want you to feel a sense of accomplishment! Create an action list that not only points to the tasks at hand, but allows you to record your successes!
6. Create Your Own Motivation
"Action Creates Motivation" is an anti-Weasel tool! Use the 15-minute tactic on the Weasel to get going... just get up and work on a task for 15 minutes... the activity will create your motivation. Break it into an even smaller time, say 5 minutes, if an all-out Weasel attack is occurring.
7. Pick a D-Day
Set a date and plan to declare war! Get all your goals, plans, and anti-weasel training in place... and decide when you are going to deploy!
8. Deal Effectively with Setbacks
The Weasel is a skilled enemy! Don't believe you've lost the war if he wins a battle or two. Watch out that you don't start believing his propaganda! Make adjustments to your plans and re-deploy.
9. Catch-Up and Keep-Up
Dedicate your resources to both catch-up and keep-up tasks. Try to deal with items as they come up rather than to have them end up in your catch-up pile.
10. Practice, Patience, Persistence
Understand that defeating the Procrastination Weasel is a matter of practicing anti-Weasel techniques. The more you practice, the easier it becomes! Destroy the Weasel's morale by being persistant in your fight... but be patient with yourself as you hone your battle skills.
12. Bayonet the Weasel
HALT! Who goes there (in my thoughts)? OH! It's YOU, Weasel! Take THIS!
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